Thursday, May 31, 2012

Bear Republic/ Fat Head's/Stone TBA Collaboration Brew

Background: The TBA Collaboration Ale is and ale created by 3 awesome west coast breweries including probably the most popular Stone Brewing Co.  These breweries have successfully crafted a wonderful brown ale infused with molasses and brown sugar.  This beer clocks in at 7.1% alcohol.

Appearance:  Rich amber/brown color, great head retention and color (light brown)

Aroma:  malty, molasses, slight hops and earthy smells

Taste:  pine, rich brown sugar/molasses flavors are very prominent and mix wonderfully with the pine/earthy notes hidden within the hops and exudes an almost floral after taste.

Mouthfeel:  great head retention provides a wonderful burst of CO2 with every sip, smooth and slightly dry.

Overall:  This is a good solid beer that resonates well on a hot day.  The balance of hops and malt is almost prefect allowing the drinker to enjoy wonderful dark malts/molasses and pine ridden hops.  This beer is prefect for a mellow summer day.  I will most defiantly be buying this beer again!

Ratebeer: 96
Beer Advocate: 85
My Rating: 85

Friday, May 4, 2012

Pond Hopper Collaboration Brew

This beer accents what I believe to be one of the most attractive parts of working in the brewing industry.  Not only is this a collaboration brew between two breweries but the breweries are actually located in two different countries. Thornbridge brewing is located in the UK and Odell brewing is located in good old Colorado.  Pond Hopper, which clocks in around 9%, is double pale ale using ingredients from the UK (malt) and the US (hops) and even some galaxy hops grown in Australia (to honor production manager and head brewer Caolan Vaughan of Thornbridge Brewery).  This beer will be landing in June and is bound to make a respectable splash.

Click Here to listen to Doug Odell and Caolan Vaughan talk about this brew.


Thursday, May 3, 2012

Big Choice Brewing


Broomfield brewery opens this weekend!!  For information the many festivties they have in store check out there facebook event at Big Choice Brewing Opening Weekend! I know next to no one reads this blog but I still wanted to give a shout out to Big Choice Brewery.  Good luck on your opening weekend and I will hopefully see you there.  Best of luck!

And many cheers!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Overdue Blog Update!

Recently I have been so busy I have felt like I have had no time at all to post or review any beers!  So here is a quick update:  

A.   I got a free 6 month subscription to Total Beverages "Beer of the Month Club" where every month I get a six pack of beers that represent the season and they even give you tasting notes on the beers. (I still look the beers up on rate beer and beer advocate though... I just cant help it, its habit)  

B. I tasted new beer...                          
Crab Tree Eclipse Black IPA
Ratebeer: 57
Beer Advocate: N/A
My rating: 72


Odell Shenanigan's
Ratebeer: 56
Beer Advocate: 86
My rating: 86

Dry Dock Seasonal Tripel
Ratebeer: not listed
Beer Advocate: N/A
My rating: 83

C.  Made a grapefruit pale ale which in the car boy looks remarkably similar to a raw meat.  However, I am confident it will taste great when all is said and done.  I used a recipe from Colin Wescott of Equinox Brewing called Citra Pale Ale and added grapefruit and of course lots of love.  I will let you know how this beer turns out... Now here is a disturbingly wonderful picture.

D.  Last and defiantly not last.  I would like to send a shout out to RedHook who recently lost an employee due to injuries from a exploding keg.  Our thoughts, prayers, and condolences are with you.

Cheers and may we all appreciate the time (and beer) we have, while we still have it.